Comprehensive Services For ADD / ADHD
Our comprehensive evaluative services are provided to definitively assess and diagnose an attention related problem (ADD/ADHD). We will carefully consider the results of previous evaluations for you/your child. However, we ask that you trust in our unique, specialized ability to identify these underlying diagnostic issues. Proper documentation of these issues is important so that you/your child can have a reliable record of assessment which will facilitate current and/or future academic accommodations. For example, most higher educational institutions (colleges, etc.) require a recently conducted evaluation in order to provide appropriate classroom accommodations and bypass strategies. If your medical provider has referred you or your child to our office for these evaluative consultation services, this is because your provider trusts our clinical expertise in this area.
Children, Adolescents & Adults
When a family member has difficulty paying attention, staying calm or being focused, this behavior affects and impacts all aspects of their lives. Properly recognizing, evaluating and treating Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorders (ADD /ADHD) in children, adolescents and adults can greatly reduce these difficult behaviors and assist in managing these lifelong conditions. This challenging disorder can have a significant interfering impact on work /academic functioning as well as on spousal, family and social relationships. Family members deserve the sincere support, knowledge and expertise of a caring, well-informed and skilled team of professionals who provide coping skills and maximize success in these ADD /ADHD individuals.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is utilized to help improve functioning in these persons.
Children, Adolescents & Adults
Our comprehensive evaluative services are provided to definitively assess and diagnose an attention related problem (ADD/ADHD). We will carefully consider the results of previous evaluations for you/your child. However, we ask that you trust in our unique, specialized ability to identify these underlying diagnostic issues. Proper documentation of these issues is important so that you/your child can have a reliable record of assessment which will facilitate current and/or future academic accommodations. For example, most higher educational institutions (colleges, etc.) require a recently conducted evaluation in order to provide appropriate classroom accommodations and bypass strategies. If your medical provider has referred you or your child to our office for these evaluative consultation services, this is because your provider trusts our clinical expertise in this area.
Children, Adolescents & Adults
When a family member has difficulty paying attention, staying calm or being focused, this behavior affects and impacts all aspects of their lives. Properly recognizing, evaluating and treating Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorders (ADD /ADHD) in children, adolescents and adults can greatly reduce these difficult behaviors and assist in managing these lifelong conditions. This challenging disorder can have a significant interfering impact on work /academic functioning as well as on spousal, family and social relationships. Family members deserve the sincere support, knowledge and expertise of a caring, well-informed and skilled team of professionals who provide coping skills and maximize success in these ADD /ADHD individuals.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is utilized to help improve functioning in these persons.
- Complete Psychoeducational Evaluation / Testing
- Social skills training
- Homework & study skills
- Self-esteem enhancement
- Parent coaching and training
- Organizational / time management skills
- Problem solving strategies
- Anger management / impulse control
- Teacher /classroom strategies / accommodations
- Physician consultation /Alternative suggestions
- Educational liaison services for 504 /IEP plans
- Relationship / couple and family issues
Children, Adolescents & Adults
- Social Isolation * Teasing * Fighting * Mis-perceptions * Easily Distracted
- Problems Taking Turns * Blurting Out Speech * Incomplete Chores
- Difficulty Playing Quietly * Auditory Sensitivity * Tactile Sensitivity
- Odor Sensitivity * Taste Sensitivity / Picky Eater * Visual Field Sensitivity
- Excessive Talking * Flat Emotional Expression * Disorganization
- High Thrill-Seeking Behavior * Moodiness * Easily Provoked Tantrums
- Low Self-Esteem * Over-focusing / Insistent Behavior* Chronic Restlessness
- Anticipatory Anxiety * Me-Focused Behavior * Chronic Procrastination
- Lack Of Learning From Past * Ear Infections* Upper Respiratory Infections
- Lactose Intolerance * Sugar Craving * Carbohydrate Craving / Loading
- Difficulty In A.M. Awakening * Difficulty Getting To Sleep * Loud Voice
- Poor Sense Of Physical Boundaries * Learning Disabled Or Challenged
- Forgetfulness * Inattentive * Anger Problems * Craves Caffeine
- Poor Self-Observer * Lacks Planning * Impulsive * Hyper-Sexuality
- Co-Existing Diagnoses * Depression Issues * Drug /Alcohol Use
- Inconsistent Work Productivity * Easily Bored * Social Skills Deficits
- Giftedness * Curious / Daring * Highly Creative * Uniquely Inventive
- Exceptional In Certain Sports Or Activities * Thrives On A Challenge